Issue: "Sometimes the phone number in the work order doesn't become a hyperlink."

Some clients have reported that not all the phone numbers in Work Orders automatically hyperlink. 


This happens when the phone number is not in the correct format to create a hyperlink. For instance, if the phone number lacks parentheses or dashes as separators, it won't be recognized as a valid phone number.


To ensure phone numbers become hyperlinks, they need to be in the correct format. The correct format includes adding parentheses, such as (306) 457 689, or using dashes as separators, such as 306-457-689. A combination of parentheses and dashes can also be used, like (306) 457-689. When you adhere to these formats the system will recognize them as valid phone number formats and automatically create hyperlinks.


To address the issue of phone numbers not becoming hyperlinks in the work order, it is essential to format the phone numbers correctly. By adding parentheses or dashes, or a combination of both as demonstrated above, the system will identify the phone number and generate the hyperlink accordingly. 

For further assistance or inquiries, reach out to our dedicated support team at