We rely on the device you are using to tell the app what is the user's current location. As such we are at the mercy of permission settings, the amount of time it takes for the device to return the location, and the accuracy of the device. Reasons why locations don't show up or are in the wrong place include:

  1. Permission hasn't been granted to the app or the device to read the location, then we are unable to determine the user location and tag it to data like check in's and status changes.
  2. There is a time out we specify before which we assume a device isn't going to report a location. If the device is taking too long to report back the user's locations back to the web site or app, we have to proceed with processing. This is for performance considerations.
  3. If the device does not have an accurate way of determining location, the location it reports back may be inaccurate. For example, desktops and laptops may not have a GPS chip installed in them, and instead determine location based on network settings. This can result in a very inaccurate location.