
This article will summarize the Customer Tab, which allows you to customize the ways in which you can use ServiceBox to define, organize and communicate with your customers. The Customer Tab contains the subsections of Categories, Custom Fields, Contact Types, Service Reminders, and Portal Intake Form, all of which will be detailed in this document.  

Customer Tab: Categories

The "Categories" subsection allows you to organize customers in groups. You can colour code your different customer categories, so the different customer categories are discernable in your customer list. For example, you can categorize customer groups according to residential, commercial, maintenance contracts, etc. shown in the screenshot below.

NOTE: As shown in the screenshot below, there is a delete button on the right-hand side of the screen for some of the customer categories. This allows you to delete a customer category. However, if a customer category is in use (ie. assigned to certain customers), you will not be able to delete that category.

Customer Tab: Custom Fields 

This subsection is a way of adding another field to gather information regarding your customers. Consider a "Custom Field" as a new "information box" you create to gain unique information for your customers. For example, if you would like to know the middle names of your customers, you could add a Custom Field to include the middle name of your customers in each customer profile. 

If you would like to include additional fields in the "Create New Customer" page, go to the Custom Fields subsection within the Customer Tab. For example, in the following screenshot, a Custom Field has been created to include the customer's Middle Name.

After creating a Custom Field for a "Middle Name", if you hover your cursor over "New" at the top of your ServiceBox screen and select "Customer" from the dropdown menu, you will notice the Custom Field has been added as an Information Box when adding new customer profiles, as shown in the following screenshot:

When adding a custom field, simply include the name of the field as you would like it to appear on the "Create New Customer Page", and select the type of information you would like to gather from this field. The types of information are as follows:

  • Multi-Line Text: 
    • This includes a textbox that allows multiple lines of text.
  • Single Line Text:
    • This includes a textbox that allows a single line of text. 
  • Dropdown:
    • This allows you to enter multiple items from which one item can be selected in a dropdown menu.
  • Multi-Select:
    • Similar to Dropdown, this allows multiple items to be selected.
  • Checkbox:
    • This will include a checkbox.
  • Date: 
    • This will display a textbox that includes a calendar, so the user can choose a date associated with a Job Site.
  • Restricted Dropdown:
    • Allows your ServiceBox administrators to define which options that your technicians can choose from within this drop-down list. Technicians will only be able to choose from these restricted options.
  • Restricted Multi-Select:
    • Allows your ServiceBox administrators to define which options your technicians can choose from within a multi-select list. Technicians will only be able to choose from these restricted options.


  • Restricted:
    • Check this box if the information gathered in your custom field is confidential and only to be viewed by your administrators.
  • Display on Work Order:
    • Checking this box will include the information gathered from the custom field on your Work Orders.
  • Print on Work Order:
    • Checking this box will include the information gathered from the custom field on your printed Work Orders.

Once you save your Custom Field, it will appear on all future "Create New Customer" pages in your Servicebox.


Customer Tab: Price Books

The "PriceBooks" subsection allows you to create custom price lists that you can assign to customers and job sites. To create a new Pricebook, enter the name of a Pricebook and discount if applicable. This Pricebook can then be assigned to one or more customers or job sites.  

Customer Tab: Contact Types

The "Contact Types" subsection allows you to define the role of individuals in your contacts. For example, you can define contacts as primary contacts, advisors, billing contacts, receptionists, etc, as shown in the screenshot below. 

Your Contacts within ServiceBox are for companies that have multiple different contacts within that company. This subsection allows you to link these multiple contacts to one company. Click here for more information regarding your Contacts page.

Outstanding Invoice Email

Customer Tab: Service Reminders

Note: This feature is not added for all of ServiceBox users. If you would like to add this feature to your Customer tab, please contact a ServiceBox support member, and we will add the Service Reminders subsection to your Customer Tab.

The "Service Reminders" section allows you to schedule an automated email to be sent to your customers prior to a service date. Simply input the number of months in advance of the service date, your name, email, subject, and email text, and ServiceBox will send this reminder to your customers.

Customer Tab: Portal Intake Form 

Check out this article for details on how to use the portal intake form on your website!

This subsection allows you to embed a form on your website for a customer to submit a request. This can help speed up your operations: After your customer submits a request through the Portal Intake Form, ServiceBox will create a customer profile, and create a To Do with the customer's submitted request. An example is shown in the following screenshot. 

NOTE: You can use the full html link at the top of this page, with the iframe (which is unique for each site). This will allow you to embed a form in your website.

Here is a list of customizable features of the Portal Intake Form subsection:

  • To Do Category:
    • This dropdown menu contains the list of all the To-Do categories you have created within the settings of your To-Do tab. Select the To Do category to which you'd like the customer's submitted request assigned.
  • Assign To Do to User:
    • This dropdown list contains a list of all your ServiceBox users. You must select the user you want to be assigned the To Do created by the customer's submission.
  • Set Due Date:
    • This will allow you to set the due date in minutes for the system. 
  • Customer Category:
    • This dropdown menu contains the list of all the Customer categories you have created within the "Categories" subsection of your Customer tab. Select the Customer category to which you'd like the customer's submitted request assigned.
  • Custom CSS:
    • CSS (or Cascading Style Sheets) is the technology that will allow you to create a visually engaging webform, including aspects such as the layout, colours, and fonts, by overriding the default template. This is useful for companies that want the style of their form to match the rest of their website.
  • After Submission Text:
    • This text will be displayed to the user after submission. For example: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION, WE WILL CONTACT YOU SOON!"
  • Email Acknowledgment:
    • After your customer completes and submits the form, ServiceBox will send an email acknowledging receipt of their request. This section allows you to input the Name and Email(s) from which the acknowledgment is sent, a subject line for the email, and the body text of the email.

After customizing your Portal Intake Form, click save, and the form will be ready to be embedded in your website.