We have added an External Intake Form into our app. This will allow you to embed a form in your website for a customer to submit a request. The customer will be created in ServiceBox and a To Do added with the request they have submitted. To set it up you can go to Settings->Customer->Portal Intake Form. From there you can specify how to create the Customer and Todo, customize the styling on the form, what message should be displayed after the user has submitted the form and the parameters for the email that gets sent out after submission. Also on this screen is the html to use to embed the form in your website.
How to embed the form on your website ?
You can use the full html link with the iframe (which is unique for each site) and this will allow you to embed a form in your website.
How can you use Portal Intake Form within ServiceBox?
To use Portal intake form within ServiceBox you must create a 'To Do Category' e.g. - Portal Intake Category so that whenever any external form is submitted a To Do is created in the system with that particular category indicating you have a To Do to look at. You can name your To Do Category according to the terminology you like.
- Assign ToDo User- This dropdown list contains list of all your users , you must select the user you want to assign that ToDo when system will auto create a To Do for you.
- Set Due Date- This will allow you to set due date in minutes for the system.
- Customer Category- Again, you can name your customer category specific for portal intake form and this drop down list will show a list of your customer category. Select the category you would like to use specifically for portal intake customers and the system will retain that information.
- Custom Css -CSS or Cascading Style Sheets is the technology that will allow you to create visually engaging webform, including aspects such as the layout , colours and fonts by overriding the default template. Default template would look something like this :
However, if you paste your css code in the provided box and save it you can get to style your webform. For e.g. if I paste this code in my settings and save it.
My webform looks something like this :
- After Submission Text : This text will be displayed to the user after submission. For example something like : THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION, WE WILL CONTACT YOU SOON !
- Email Acknowledgment - In this section, you have to fill out the information for the email acknowledgment which will be sent from software to your customers.
- From Name: You can enter your company name.
- From Email: Fill in the email address you would like to use when software sends confirmation email to your clients. You also have the option use CC or Bcc.
- Body : You can predefine the email body in this section and system will use that format. Something like this-
If you have any additional questions please send a feedback and our support team will be sure to help you out with your ServiceBox needs.