
Some of our customers using the Safari browser have faced login issues. This issue may be attributed to recent enhancements on the login page, causing compatibility issues with certain browsers, particularly Safari. Please note that ServiceBox mobile applications fully support Safari.

This article aims to guide you through step-by-step instructions on resolving this login issue. 

Step-by-Step instruction

  1. Clearing Safari Cache: Follow these steps to clear the cache in your Safari browser:
  • Open Safari: Launch the Safari browser on your computer.
  • Access Preferences: Click on "Safari" in the top menu bar, located next to the Apple logo. From the drop-down menu, select "Preferences."
  • Navigate to Privacy: In the Preferences window, go to the "Privacy" tab, typically located at the far right.
  • Manage Website Data: Within the Privacy tab, find the section labeled "Manage Website Data" and click on the "Manage Website Data" button.
  • View Website Data: A new window will open, displaying a list of websites that have stored data on your browser. Look for the website(s) associated with ServiceBox.
  • Remove Cache Data: In the search bar within this window, locate the website(s) associated with ServiceBox. Once found, select the website(s) and click on the "Remove" or "Remove All" button to delete the cache data.
  • Confirm Removal: Safari may prompt you to confirm the removal of the selected website data. Confirm by clicking on "Remove Now" or "Remove All" as appropriate.
  • Close Preferences: After clearing the cache data, close the Preferences window.
  • Restart Safari: Close and reopen the Safari browser to ensure the changes take effect.

2. Optimal Browsers for ServiceBox

While Safari may not be officially supported, ServiceBox works seamlessly with Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. For optimal performance and compatibility, consider using either of these browsers to access the ServiceBox platform.

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully clear the cache in your Safari browser, resolving the blank screen issue. If the problem persists, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team for further assistance.

Remember, a quick browser switch to Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge might enhance your ServiceBox experience, ensuring a smooth and trouble-free login process.

For further assistance or inquiries reach out to the dedicated support team at