Understanding the Error Message:

The error message typically starts with a reference to a specific invoice number, for example, "Invoice 206693-1." The message states, "Invoice so-and-so has a zero-dollar amount marked as void in ServiceBox to avoid rechecking."

Decoding the Error:

This error message serves as a clear indicator that the conflict originates from the QuickBooks Online site. It specifically highlights that the identified invoice has a total amount of zero dollars in QuickBooks, which is conflicting with the data in ServiceBox.

Reason for the Conflict:

The conflict arises when, after syncing the invoice to QuickBooks, a change occurs in ServiceBox, resulting in a non-zero total amount for the same invoice. This discrepancy triggers the conflict, preventing the smooth syncing of data between the two platforms.

Resolution Steps:

1. Adjust Pricing or Change to Draft:

   Users have two primary options to resolve this conflict. One approach is to adjust the pricing by changing the invoice back to draft in ServiceBox. This allows users to make necessary modifications to the invoice total, aligning it with QuickBooks.

2. Mark the Invoice as Void:

   Alternatively, users can mark the invoice as void in ServiceBox to avoid rechecking. To do this, navigate to the Settings tab in ServiceBox and review the statuses under the Invoices section. Identify the status with the void flag set to "yes" (commonly found alongside the "cancelled" status). By marking the invoice as cancelled, ServiceBox will recognize it as void, preventing further conflicts during rechecking processes.