
Creating a customer in ServiceBox involves completing mandatory fields, selecting the customer type, and optionally providing additional details. Existing customer information can be edited by accessing the customer and making the necessary changes.

Creating a Customer:

1. From the Dashboard click on “New.” 

2. Select ‘Customer’ from the drop-down menu. 

3. Choose between "Individual" or "Company" and provide the corresponding information.

If "Create First Jobsite" is checked, an address must also be added.


4. Fill in the optional fields with relevant details:
  • Display Name
  • Title
  • Company
  • Category
  • Account Number
  • Office Phone Number
  • Email
  • Extension
  • Billing Email
  • Mobile Phone Number
  • Website URL
  • Fax Phone Number
  • Employee Signature required on Work Orders
  • Customer Signature required on Work Orders
  • Default Tax

Edit customer information for existing customers

1. Open an existing customer file.

2. Click on the edit button beside the customers’ name.

3. Update the necessary information.