
Attachments are an essential feature in ServiceBox that allows users to associate important files and documents with work orders, quotes, and jobsites. However, you may encounter situations where attachments appear to duplicate within the application. This article aims to shed light on why this issue occurs and provide an explanation for the duplicate attachment records.

Cause of Duplicate Attachments:

The primary reason for attachments duplicating in ServiceBox is the mismatch between the customer details associated with the work order, quote, and jobsite. When the customer information differs across these entities, it can lead to the display of multiple attachment records for seemingly identical attachments.

Illustration of the Problem:

Let's consider an example to understand the issue better. Suppose there is a customer named 'Coordinate Industries' associated with both the quote and work order. However, the customer linked to the jobsite is recorded as 'Coordinate Industries Ltd.' Although these customers might appear similar, their subtle differences cause ServiceBox to treat them as separate entities.

Database Behavior:

In reality, the attachment you add to the application is saved only once in the database. However, due to the discrepancy in customer information, multiple attachment records are returned when accessing the database, resulting in the display of duplicated attachments to the user.

Resolution and Best Practices:

1. Ensure Consistency: To avoid encountering duplicate attachments, it is crucial to maintain consistency in customer information across all related entities, including work orders, quotes, and jobsites. Double-check and confirm that the customer details are identical for all these elements.

2.Verify Customer Names: When creating or updating customer records, pay close attention to the exact spelling, capitalization, and any additional information. Even minor differences can result in duplicate attachment records.

3.Regular Database Maintenance: ServiceBox provides functionality for maintaining the integrity of your database. Periodically reviewing and cleaning up duplicate customer records can help mitigate the occurrence of duplicate attachments.

4.Merge Customer Records: In cases where duplicate customer records already exist, it is recommended to merge them into a single, consistent record. By consolidating customer information, you reduce the chances of encountering duplicated attachments.


Understanding why attachments may duplicate in ServiceBox is essential for efficiently managing your work orders, quotes, and jobsites. By ensuring consistency in customer information and following the best practices outlined in this article, you can minimize the occurrence of duplicate attachment records. If you encounter any further issues or require additional assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team ( for further guidance.