Below I am giving some quick information about filling up input and output fields of the form which might help you or answer some of your basic questions about filling up the form
In below information, an example report used is 'Work Order By Status Date'. You may transform it to your required report.

For filling up the form, most important parts of the form are input and output fields. Basically input fields are the ones which you can see on screen before the report is generated (i.e. before you click Generate button). The report shows  records based on the filters on this screen. For example these are the input fields as shown in below screenshot, so you can simply mention these field names as input fields in the form

Input Fields

Output Fields

And output fields are the columns that you would like to see in your report. So just mention all the column names which you would like to see in your report. For example in below screenshot, encircled columns would be output fields in the form


With the above information, try to fill up the form as much as you can then you can send us your specific questions. Try sending screenshots marked up ( as in this article) which helps a lot in understanding, analysing and finalizing the requirements.