Summary: If you're working onsite and need to order a part to complete the job, we've just made it a whole lot easier. Now you can place a vendor order right from within the work order screen itself, and have the items added under the "Time and Materials" (T&M) tab once you designate the items are received.    

Let's read in detail how to place a Vendor Order out of a Work Order in ServiceBox:

Step 1: Create New Vendor Order. 

Open the Work Order> Vendor Order> Click the "New Vendor Order" button and ServiceBox will open the New Vendor Order form within the work order.

Fill in the following fields- 

  • Order Date: By default, ServiceBox will pre-populate the date field with the present date but you can click on the field to change it if you like. 
  • Location: If you have the Multi-location featured activated for your company, this field will allow you to select a location from the drop-down.
  • Order Status: As you create a new Vendor Order, ServiceBox will automatically set the status as "Draft" to  allows users to add or edit the information. To understand more about how Vendor Order statuses work please click on this article link :
  • Assigned To: This drop-down field allows you to assign the Vendor Order to a specific user, if needed, within ServiceBox. 
  • Vendor: You may type in the vendor's name and the system will pull up the list of existing vendors in ServiceBox or you may use the 'add vendor' button to quickly add a new vendor within this screen. 
  • Ship To: By default the system will set your company location as the 'Ship To' address, but if you have Multi-Location turned on you can select a specific address by clicking on the drop-down menu. 
  • Description: Here you can add details like purchasing terms, the specifics of the payment terms or expected delivery date etc.

That's it. Click the 'Save' button and you're ready to create your next vendor order.

Step 2: Order Items
This tab will allow you to add in the inventory or non-inventory items that you would like to purchase from your supplier. Specify the Item description, Unit Cost, Quantity to be ordered, Taxes and Total of the order. 

Step 3: Email the Vendor Order.
Once you're ready to email the order to your supplier, we encourage you to change the status of the Vendor order so that it locks the ordered items and doesn't allow users to edit the information.
Click the "Email" tab on the top-right of the Vendor Order window to bring up the email window.

The "To" field will pre-populate the vendor email address if saved within the vendor's info, or you may fill the email address within this field manually.

The CC and BCC fields will pre-populate as per the setup in the settings tab for the Vendor Email Setup.

You may add attachments or files to be sent out to the Vendor if needed by clicking the "Attachment" tab or "Files" tab.
Click "Send Email" to complete the Vendor order out of ServiceBox.

Step 4: Receive Items.
Once you've received the requested items, you must change the status to Received (terminology of statuses may differ from company to company). Our system will add a "Received Date" field, where you fill in the received date on or after the ordered date. 


Once the Received Date field is filled in, ServiceBox will open a new tab called "Received Items".
Within this tab you can manually update the "Quantity Received" for each line item or click the "Received All Items" button to process a Receipt for all the items ordered.

"Add Quantity to Work Order" This field allows users to specify how many of the received items they would like ServiceBox to add under the Time and Materials (T&M) tab within the work order itself, or you may click "Received all Items" > and check off "Add all items to Work Order" if you would like to add all the items ordered to your current job.

Please note the "Received Location" field is a mandatory field only if you've ordered Inventory items within the Vendor Order and you must select the Inventory Location to process the receipt for this order.