This feature will allow the user to mark a customer as 'On Hold'. When the feature is activated, your user's security clearance will determine what they see when dealing with an 'On Hold' customer. Basic users may simply not able to add an 'On Hold' customer to a quote or work order. Admins may see a warning when attempting admin tasks relating to these customers. 

To activate this feature, click on the dropdown menu on the top right of your ServiceBox screen and click "Settings". 

Once in "Settings", click on the "Plan Tab" and select the "Features" subheading and check the box titled "On Hold Customers" (screenshot shown below. 

There are two security settings involved: 

  • "Can Set Unset Customers On Hold" - when activated, the user will be able to set or unset the "on hold" flag on a customer.

  • "Can Add On Hold Customers" - When activated, the user can add the customer to a quote or work order but will be presented with a warning if they do so.