
The 'Payment Option' has been added to our QuickBooks Accounting Connector Program to give users flexibility with their payments options. Users will have the option to not sync at all, or to sync as before. If payments are not sync'd automatically, the user will be able to select a screen to display the payments that cannot be sync'd for manual entry.

1. Do Not Sync Payments: This option will allow our QuickBooks users to manually enter their payments in QuickBooks for the payments received within the ServiceBox invoices. 

How to Enable This Setting: Go to connector program> click the 'Setup' button in the top right corner> QuickBooks Payments Tab> Select first option 'Do Not Sync Payments'. It's recommended to also check off the checkbox at the bottom: 'Show Payments that Cannot be sync'd in dialog'.

How to Use: Let's understand how to use this option with an example. 

Here is invoice 190047-7. You've received the payment in ServiceBox for this invoice. 
With the "Do Not Sync" option a user running the sync system will look at the list of invoices paid in ServiceBox, in a dialog box with details including Invoice Number, Customer Name, Payment Method, Payment Reference, Payment Date and Amount. 
This option will allow our user to simultaneously create the Receipts in QuickBooks for the individual invoices, to avoid any errors. 

2. Sync Payments Automatically: This is a simpler option. As you run the sync, all of your payments will automatically sync to your accounting software.