For users that have a contact with multiple Job Sites, or multiple contacts assigned to a Job Site, some users have asked how to select the contact to whom you would like to send the invoice.
Within a specific Job Site in your ServiceBox, ServiceBox allows for a "Billing Contact" to be assigned to a specific Job Site. To give a specific contact "Billing Contact" status, click on "Job Sites" on the left-hand side of your ServiceBox screen, select the Job Site for which you would like to select a "Billing Contact", and click on "Contacts" subsection at the top of the Job Site page.
Then, click on the contact you'd like to assign "Billing Contact" status", and check the "Billing Contact" box in the menu on the right-hand side of the screen. Then, click save, and all invoices pertaining to this Job Site will be sent to the address of this Billing contact.