There are two ways this is possible within ServiceBox, but you really do not need a reminder, given the nature of how Recurring Work for "re-occurring maintenance" is set up in ServiceBox.
  1. The first way is that when "Recurring Work" is set up for any re-occurring maintenance in ServiceBox, it always places the Recurring Work on the Scheduler so that you may visually see it as you look at your upcoming dates in your Calendar or Dispatch board - to not over-commit the available time you have given your "manpower" to undertake the maintenance with all other activities.  As well, at a predetermined number of days (I usually set up sites for 32 days in advance, just more than a month) an actual "Work Order" is created for the Recurring Work, so that you may schedule the maintenance to the proper field tech, if it is not the field tech you have "Assigned" the Recurring Work set up to in the first place.
  2. The second way to get a reminder is to set a ToDo for yourself.  We have found that once people become familiar with ServiceBox's workflow/Recurring Work set up/execution, they will be seeing the upcoming work on their Scheduler and never forget about it or need a reminder.