The note filters on the various screens show a subset of related notes. The filters are shown in the screenshot below, followed by an explanation of how each filter works.

All related - Shows all notes added to any item under that entity. In the case of Work Orders, Quotes and Invoices, it will show notes related to the customer.

Customer - Shows only those notes directly linked to the customer.

Contact - Shows notes directly attached to contacts linked to the customer or job site.

Job Site - Shows all notes directly attached to the job site either on the job site screen or as a maintenance note in a work order.

Unit -  Shows all notes directly attached to the unit either on the job site screen or as a maintenance note in a work order. In the case of a quote, work order or invoice, it will show notes related to all units on the job site.

Maintenance notes - shows notes added on the maintenance notes tab of all work orders related to the entity.

Quote - shows notes attached to quotes for the customer.

Work Order - Shows notes attached to work orders not including maintenance notes. (Except on invoices where it shows maintenance notes for the work order as well)

Invoices - shows notes attached to invoices for the customer.

Vendor - shows notes attached to the Vendor directly.

Vendor Order - shows notes attached to Vendor Order directly.

Please Note: 

1. Some of these filters may not be available on specific pages. For example, there is no 'Customer' filter on on the Job Site notes tab.

2.  There are some access levels that will take precedence. For example, if a user cannot view customers, they will not be able to view notes related to the customer.

3. Notes added on time on a work order that aren't added as maintenance notes will not display on the note list. They are for timesheets only.