Accounting Integration Setup

This connector will allow you to link ServiceBox to your QuickBooks Desktop. 

To download the accounting connector, simply click on the 'Accounting' menu item under your username.  

Right Click 'Here' to download the program, or right click and copy link and paste it into a new tab in a new tab in browser

Select Open in Incognito Window 

By default, ServiceBox will download the connector program to customer's desktop 

Once you've downloaded and run the application, Open the connector program from Desktop. 

Here's how to set it up:

1. The first screen you will encounter is the main screen for the connector:

main screen no config

From here, click the 'Setup' button at the top right.


2. The setup screen should now be displayed:

Setup connection first tab blank

The fields in yellow are required fields that are not completed. This first tab is used to setup your connections to ServiceBox and your accounting system.  

To setup the ServiceBox connection, simply type in the URL you usually go to to get to ServiceBox. there is no need to add the 'https://' at the beginning but be sure to include the '/servicebox' at the end. You should also type in your user id and password here. Click 'Test' to see if the connection is working. 

To setup the accounting connection, first select the software you wish to use, QuickBooks or Sage (only the software installed on your system will be in the list. 

Once you've selected the software, then select the company file you wish to connect to. 

If you are using QuickBooks, you're done this step. If you are using Sage, you will also have to type in the user name and password (if any) of the user you wish to use to connect to sage. You may get a security error when testing the connection to Sage, if you do, follow the instructions here to allow the user you are using to connect to Sage to access your file through the accounting connector. 

If you have any connection issues, there might be a solution in our FAQ

Once you are done, your first tab should look like this:

 3. Customer/Jobsites tab: No need to complete this tab

4. Tax Levels: The next tabs in the setup are to link your ServiceBox tax levels to tax codes in your accounting application. When you download invoices from ServiceBox to accounting, the connector needs to know what taxes to apply to the invoice lines in accounting when inserting the invoices into your accounting application. 

The first drop-down Non-Taxable tax Code is used to select what tax to apply in your accounting system when no tax is selected in the ServiceBox invoice item. 

The next two lists are used to connect a ServiceBox tax level to a tax code in accounting. To link them, select one entry in each list and click 'link'. The linked items should appear in the list below. If you make a mistake, simply click the incorrect row in the list at the bottom and click 'unlink'.  

When you are finished this tab should look like this:


5. Invoice and Accounts: The next tab is used to configure when to start importing invoices and what accounts to use by default when importing the invoice. 

The date specifies the first date to use when importing invoices. This is used to prevent invoices that may have already been input into both systems to be double entered into ServiceBox. 

The other two entries are used to configure the revenue account to which items should be added by default and which receivable account to use for the invoice.

One thing to keep in mind, if an item has already been entered into Accounting with the exact same description as the ServiceBox item, it will use that item rather than create a new one. So if that item has a different revenue account then the default, the item's revenue account will be used.

When finished with this tab, it should look like this:



6. QuickBooks Payments: QuickBooks Payments is a useful feature that gives customers the option to decide how they want their payments to be sync either manually or do they want ServiceBox to sync the payments automatically. It is generally suggested to enable automatic syncing for a smoother experience.

There is two way connector for payments

7. Invoice Category: When you import invoices, the connector will create items based on the description in the invoice item. if an item with the same description doesn't exist in your accounting system. In order to do this, it needs to know what type of item to create based on the item category in ServiceBox. 

The 'Invoice Categories' tab is used to link the ServiceBox invoice item category to an item type in QuickBooks. To link the category to the item type, simply select an item in each of the two lists at the top and click 'link'. The newly linked item should appear in the list at the bottom.

For example 

Labour - Service

Material - Non Inventory

SUB - Trade: Other - The idea there is you have a category currently called subtrades and if you had to sub something out and then charge through to a customer, that's where this category SUBTRADES comes in. It is like other charges that may happen or may not happen

If you make a mistake, just click the item in the bottom list and click 'unlink'.

When you are done, this tab should look like this:


8. Invoice Revenue Accounts Tab: This tab allows you to connect the ServiceBox invoice item category with the corresponding revenue accounts in QuickBooks. All of them should be Sales, because these are all these are all gonna be invoice revenue accounts. This is your Income we are dealing with. So every charge against one of those items, it's gonna have a cost and a revenue. they are all goin got be sales. 

Because in your accounting, you already have the items set up to your propriate revenue accounts.

9. Quote Revenue Accounts: This tab allows you to connect the ServiceBox quote item category with the appropriate revenue accounts in QuickBooks. Should be set up same as Invoice categories tab. The reason we recommend having similar settings for both quotes and invoices is because Service Box uses one database for both. So, whatever you put in the quote will be reflected exactly the same way in the invoice. 

Revenue Account for overridden Quotes: This feature is within Service Box and allows you to modify a quote. For example, if you have a quote for $450, with the overridden quote feature turned on, admin users can change it to a lump sum of $500. The quote will still be considered valid and will eventually turn into an invoice, generating revenue for your business. The important aspect of this feature is that it gives users the option to select a specific revenue account to link the overridden quote

When you are done, this tab should look like this:

10. Quote Category: When an invoice is based on a quote, the connector will download and (if applicable) prorate the quote based on the percentage of the quote that was invoiced with the current invoice. To do so, the connector may have to create items as it did for the invoice items based on the description. It uses the linkages on this tab to decide what type of items to create, as it did with invoices only this time with quote categories from ServiceBox.  

To link the category to the item type, simply select an item in each of the two lists at the top and click 'link'. The newly linked item should appear in the list at the bottom. If you make a mistake, just click the item in the bottom list and click 'unlink'.

When you are done, this tab should look like this:

Should be same aas Invoice category

Labour - Service

Material - Non Inventory

SUB - Trade: Other 

11. Vendor Orders:

Import Vendor Orders Dated On Or After: Here, you would select the date you want to go live. For example, if you select January 16, 2023, any Vendor Orders in the system before that date will not transfer over to QuickBooks Online. Of course, you can always come back to this page to change move this date backwards or forwards. 

Only Import Vendors with Vendor Orders: If this is checked off, it means the Connector will only move the Vendors from ServiceBox to QuickBooks Online when there is a Vendor Order associated with them. 

Put Vendor name on first address line in accounting: If this box is checked, connector will put vendor name on first address line in QuickBooks

Vendor Order Status for Orders:  Here you would check off the status for which you would like ServiceBox to download the Vendor Order into QuickBooks as a Purchase Order. You must check off both the "Sent" and "Received" Status to have the Receipt/Bill created for the same in QuickBooks. 

Vendor Order Status for Receipts: Here you check off the status "Received" to ensure the Connector moves this Vendor Order over to QuickBooks as a Bill/Receipt. 

here are two boxes for customer to choose vendor order status for receipts, the reason is out of one vendor order we are either creating a purchase order and from purchase order we will be eventually sending over receipt or bill to information of that supplier over to QuickBooks. 

From customer we need the infomation in ServiceBox, once you have ordered item that;s when we want t create the purchase order in QuickBooks., if yes, check the box labled “Oredere Item…”

Once they receive the item, its time to create a bill for that in QuickBooks, check to box labeled “Received”

Columns on the left hand side: Based on the status of the vendor order found in ServiceBox, system will create purchase order

12. Class Codes - If the left-hand box has yellow highlight match items there with a selection from the right-hand box.

13. Timesheets - if you are using the timesheets in QuickBooks the Import Submitted Timesheets has to be checked off and the Import after date has to be set.

You must have payroll turned on in your accounting software

Link ServiceBox Timesheet items to QuickBooks Payroll items.

14. Payment Methods - left side has to be linked to a choice in the right side, once linked they will appear in the bottom box.

15. Export/Import settings: The next step in the setup process is to configure what the connector will do and how it will do it. The settings on the last tab are:

Only import related ServiceBox Items (customers, Jobsites, Workorders) with invoices - Use this setting if you only want customers that have invoices in ServiceBox to be downloaded into accounting. This will allow to you minimize the amount of data you import into accounting to that data needed for invoices.

Append company name to individual name for import from ServiceBox - When customers that are marked as individuals are imported into accounting from ServiceBox, their 'name' in accounting is setup as their first name and last name '(eg. 'John Smith'). Use this setting if you'd like to add the company name on the customer record to the name to make it more unique in your accounting software (eg. John Smith - Google).

Preserve display name in accounting for existing customers: Always check this off. It is highly recommended to check this option as it ensures that no alterations or modifications are made to the customer's information in QuickBooks. 

Use ServiceBox invoice number in accounting - This setting tells the connector to use the invoice number as it appears in ServiceBox as the invoice number in your accounting system. If you wish to just have your accounting software continue to assign invoice numbers incrementally, turn this setting off.

Put the ServiceBox invoice numbers in invoice memo - If you choose not to use the invoice numbers from Service|Box, this setting will tell the connector to add the invoice number from ServiceBox into the memo field. We recommend having this setting set if you are not using the ServiceBox invoice numbers to allow for easy cross-referencing between the two systems.

Do not check unpaid Invoices: Do Not Check off. ServiceBox will always have a validation check on paid invoices in both systems to see if they were modified even after the period is closed. check this box if you do not want to validate any paid invoices. payments is the only part of the accounting connector that works both ways. the connector program will check both system for any unpaid invoice

Preview customer actions before importing to accounting - This setting will allow you to see what the connector will do with ServiceBox customers before changes are applied. This will give you a chance to approve adding new customers or linking customers between the new systems before this happens. If a customer already has a link to a customer in your accounting system, these changes will always be applied.

Put customer name on the first address line in accounting: Do Not Check, you want to have street address on the first line and not the company name.

This feature that allows users to decide whether they want to put the customer's name on the first address line in accounting. This preference is based on how they handle billing and invoicing within their accounting software. Some users may prefer to display the customer's name under the billing address section or in a similar manner. 

Add ServiceBox Invoice Note to Memo: In Service Box, there's a place to add extra information or notes for an invoice called the "invoice note" field for your customer to see. If you want, you can transfer that information to a section in your accounting software called the "memo" field. When you choose this option, the description you entered in the invoice note field will be moved and shown in the memo field of the corresponding invoice in your accounting software.

Use job site addresses as Bill To: Do Not Check This, you will always probably send the bill to the billing address we have that set up in service box Check this option if all customers have the same billing address as the job site. Otherwise, leave it unchecked.

Set Customer Tax Levels from ServiceBox: Check this off, if tax rates changes, you will have to update ServiceBox settings, with this checked off, system will automatically update QuickBooks

Create a ship to address for each job site: In ServiceBox, Jobsite address is printed on the invoice, but it is not transferred to QuickBooks, to populate jobsite address as a "Ship To" in QuickBooks, check this setting off.  Having this check box checked off will create Ship address in the QuickBooks

Item name/Description delimiter: RECOMENDED SETTING. Use space, dash, and space to separate the item name and description fields. The reason we recommend these settings is because when you create a new quote item in Service Box, you have separate fields for the item name and description. However, when this information is sent over to QuickBooks, it treats them as a single string without distinguishing between the two fields. To avoid this, we use a dash to separate the item name and description.

Use Description from accounting if Delimiter not present: if customer has existing items in QuickBooks with its name and description and you want to find the exact item name match and pull the description found in QuickBooks to ServiceBox then check this box if Item name/Description delimiter is blank. 

Attention prefixes: Define any attention prefixes (e.g.,ATTN, Mr., Mrs.) used for certain customers. Separate multiple prefixes with a comma.

Shipping address Name: Typically uses the company name

Add invoice notes to detail: When you click on the dropdown menu, it provides you with the option to choose whether you want to display the invoice note before or after the line items. This choice is entirely up to you and depends on your preference.


Add Maintenance Notes to Detail: So if there's a maintenance note put on the work order by the technician in the field, we can automate it to show up in your QuickBooks invoice if you want to. The "Maintenance notes" refer to the work-related notes that are included on the invoice. This decision determines the positioning of the maintenance notes when the invoice is transferred to your accounting software. For instance, if you have a note related to labor, you can choose to show it either before or after the labor line item. Generally, It is recommend displaying it after the line items as it maintains a cleaner and more organized appearance. However, the final decision is entirely up to the customer. 

Use this status when setting invoice to paid: Use this to distinguished if the payment was received in QuickBooks or ServiceBox. If you receive a payment in QuickBooks, ServiceBox will change the status of that invoice based on what you select in this setting

16. Export From Accounting - only used initially to import customers and items into ServiceBox.

Click on Customers

Click on Select all

Click on 'Go"

System will import customer list form QuickBooks to ServiceBox.

You can import item in similar way.

Select "Material for "export as Quote Category dropdown.