
Invoices allow you to bill your customers for the work that has been completed or will be completed.  Once a Work Order has been created an Invoice can be issued, using the pricing information from the Quote, Work Order or with blank details you can fill in.  This allows you to keep your invoice attached to the customer and all of the information relating to a particular job in one place.  This document will show you how to create an Invoice, explain the different sections of an Invoice, where to view Invoices and how to open existing Invoices.

Creating Invoices

To create an Invoice, you will need to open the Work Order for which you want to create the Invoice.  For details on opening  Work Orders, see User Guide - Work Orders.  Once you are within the Work Order, you can click on the Invoice Tab.


Once you click on the Invoice Icon, it will take you to the Invoice section of the Work Order.  To create a new Invoice, click on the Create Invoice button and the following pop up will appear.  

Tip: if no Quote was created, the Quote Price option will not appear in the list. 

Use Quote Price:

When selected this option allows you to select the percentage of the quote that is to be invoiced.  Using this option allows you to create an Invoice for a partial part of the Quote that is often used for Progress Billing.  Enter the percentage you will invoice for and Click Ok.

Tip: Some customers have used this option to keep track of initial deposits for a job.

Use Time and Materials from Work Order:

This option will take the information from the Labour and Materials area within the Work Order. With this option, it is possible within the Invoice as well to add on additional items. For more information on entering Time and Materials see User Guide - Work Orders. For information relating to how Time and Materials are set up for your company refer to Configuring ServiceBox for your Business.

Create Blank Invoice:

This will open a blank invoice with no details and all items for the Invoice will need to be added. 

Creating Invoice

Now that the Invoice Type has been selected, you are able to review the details on the Invoice Details Screen.  The Invoice Number is the Work Order Number with a -1 for the first invoice, -2 for the second etc.  For Example below the Work Order is number 567 and the Invoice we are creating at is 567-1.

Tip: If your Invoices appear numbered differently it was changed for your company within the Settings.

Invoice Details 

The Customer and Job Site information are taken based on the details in the Work Order.  Additional fields may be available depending on how it is configured for your company.  You can add in an Invoice Note or other details as needed.  

Tip: The invoice note will display in the print out of the invoice for a customer to see.  If required we can copy the description from the work order to the invoice by going to Settings -> Work Order and selecting the "Copy description when creating invoice".

As we have selected to create an Invoice using Quote Pricing we will see the Quote # and the Description relating to this Quote.  If you click on Quote #1207 in the Description you will be able to see exactly what was entered in the Quote that you are now invoicing for,

If you select Time and Materials, the information that was entered in the Labour and Materials section on the Work Order will be carried forward to the Invoice.

If Create Blank Invoice was selected the customer information from the Work Order will populate but no pricing lines will have been added.

To add additional items that you want to include on the Invoice, select the checkbox for Add Other Items.  This will open up additional information on the screen but will be specific to how your company has configured ServiceBox and similar to how you see the details on the Quote Pricing Page.  

At the bottom of this newly opened section you will see the job costing details based on the Quote and any additional items added to the Invoice.

Once everything has been entered as required, Click OK to create the Invoice. This will then create the Invoice and open the Invoice options on the top right side of the screen.  

Add Payment within the Invoice Details screen is the same procedure as in the Payments section.  Refer to following payments section for how to complete. 


Within the Payments section, or using Add Payments on the Invoice Details, payments can be credited to the Invoice.  If your company is configured with Stripe, you can take payment in this section by entering the credit card details of the customer.  If your are not using Stripe, you can track the payments that have been applied to the customer's account.  Payments can also be added within the Invoice Details screen following the same process. 

Select Add Payment

The Payment box will appear and allow details on the specific details of the payment to be entered.  Under Method, there is a drop down box that will give the possible options, if an option selected is connected to your Stripe account, you can enter the details as well for the card having the payment applied. 

Payment Screen when Method is selected to an option associated with a Stripe Account.  

Once payments have been added, a list of all payments applied to the Invoice can be seen on the Payments Screen.

To edit a payment select the edit icon and the details entered can be edited.  

To delete a payment select the delete icon and the payment can be deleted.

Internal Notes 

Notes are where users can share information for jobs knowing that they will not show on any customer reports.  

To enter Notes, simply type the information in the field and select Add Note.  


To-do’s allow you to remember when things need to be looked after.  The categories for to do’s can be set up within Settings so for each company they are customized.  

To create a to do, select Add To Do and the information will open up.  Enter the details, assign it to the person responsible and select a date for when you want the reminder to be seen.  

Select Save To Do and the To Do will appear in the list.  On the top bar, when the date set arrives, a reminder will be shown with the alarm clock.

E-mail Invoice 

Once the information has been entered you can e-mail the Invoice to the customer right from ServiceBox.  

The e-mail is pulled from the customer details and the text can be added. You can select the options for the file that will be sent by selecting Invoice PDF Options.  This will open a pop up that will allow you to select which options will be included on the PDF sent to the customer. The defaults for this pop up box are set in Settings and if you want to add additional files you can select to include them as well.

Once the e-mail is complete, select Save and E-mail at the bottom and the e-mail will be send.

If you want to have a record of all e-mails that are sent from the system, you can select within settings to set up a BCC e-mail as well that receives a copy of them.


When you select the print option, you can select from any tab within Work Orders, the following box will appear.  

The default options are set in Settings but you can decide to change how you would like to print it.  You can select Files or Attachments to view and when Print is selected, the PDF will open in a new tab.

Viewing Invoices

To view Invoices that have been entered, you can see them under the Customer by selecting Invoices. The same can also be done within the Job Site by opening Work Orders and Invoiced. 

Invoices can also be viewed by selecting Invoices from the left hand menu.  Here, Invoices can be sorted based on status. 

Changing the Status of an Invoice

You can change the status of an Invoice from in this section by selecting the Status and selecting the drop down box option that you want to select.  Once completed select the checkbox to update your selection.

It is also possible to change the status of the Invoice by clicking on the Invoice and viewing the details.  Here you change the status and select Save at the bottom to update your selection.