Work Orders allow you to keep all of your information relating to a job in one place. A Work Order can be started with the details from a quote or you can create a Work Order without a quote. This document will show you how to create a Work Order, explain the different sections of the Work Order, where to view Work Orders and how to open existing Work Orders.
Creating Work Orders
Create a New Work Order
Create a new Work Order by choosing: New > Work Order in the main ServiceBox screen.
Create a Work Order from a Customer
You can also create a Work Order from inside a customer Locate a customer and open the customer. Click on the Work Order tab and click on the Add Work Order button.
Create a Work Order from a Job Site
You can also create a Work Order from inside a Job Site. Locate and open a job site. Click on the Work Order tab and click on the Add Work Order button.
Changing Quotes into Work Orders
You can also create a Work Order using all of the information from a Quote. Go into the Quote Details and click on the link Create Work Order, this will take the details of the Quote and populate a Work Order.
For more information on Quotes view the User Guide for Quotes.
Work Order Sections
Work Order Details 
Once you have selected Add Work Order you will be taken to the Work Order Details Page. If you selected from within a customer, job site or from an existing Quote the Work Order will be pre populated with information for the customer and job site selected as well as the Quote details if entered.
Tip: If you have quote details entered but they don’t carry over to the Work Order description, an administrator user can update this in Settings.
If you have started from the main menu you will need to select the customer, you can add a new customer or pick from an existing customer, when filling in the information.
As soon as you start to type the first letter into this box, all current customers who exist in your system with those letters will appear and you can select from the drop down box.
Or if you need to add a new customer, click on add, here you will have the ability to add a new customer entering all of the details for the customer.
This pop up will appear to enter in all new info for the Customer:
When you are typing in the information in the address box to select the Job Site, the correct address will appear below while you are typing as it is connected to Google Maps. When the correct address is in the box below, you may choose to stop typing and select the address. When you do, all information attached to that address is entered - state/province, country, and zip/postal code.
After choosing a Customer, you need to select an existing Job Site or Add a new Job Site. Once you have selected the Bill To and the Job Site you need to fill in the rest of the Work Order. All “boxes” with a red asterisk (*) beside them must be filled in.
You will need to assign the Work Order to someone. Depending on your business practices, this may be the technician responsible for the Work Order or an Administrator/Dispatcher who will look after scheduling.
Optional: Your company may have created custom fields in the settings for a work order, so you may have additional fields to input.
The Work Order description should be added in as this will give the details to the technician of what needs to be completed on the job. If you have created this work order from a Quote then the Description from the quote should have been copied over. If you want to schedule the work order right away, click on the "Show Timeslot" section and enter the scheduled item, if you are going to schedule it later, then press OK to save and Create the Work Order.
Show Time Slot - Optional
If you want to schedule the Work Order right away, you can select Show Timeslot. The screen below will appear and you can select the employee and enter the Start and End Dates.
This section is only available before the Work Order is created. If you want to schedule it after, see the information on the Schedule View Section of the Work Order or in the Scheduler.
Once a Work Order is Created - It Is Usually Scheduled for a Tech to complete the following.
Once the Work Order is created, this will then create the Work Order and open the Work Order options on the top of the screen.
Check In and Check Out
The possibility to Check In and Check Out is available on the Work Order Details once the Work Order has been created. If the user is checked in, you will see the time beside the buttons. Once a user checks in it will capture the current time (to the second) and will also capture their location. Once the user checks out their current time and location is going to be captured, plus the option to enter the time to the work order will also appear.
Labour and Materials
Once the Work Order has been created you can enter items used for the Work Order. Typically a company will be set up to include a Labor section to capture the time the employees have spent completing the Job. Also there will be at least one of the following sections: Expenses, Materials, or Purchase Orders.
Entering Labor
A technician can enter time into the Labor section through the Check in and Check out Functionality, or they can enter in the values directly into this section. To add a new time item, select the employee, hours, date, and overtime. Once you have enter in the details, select the green checkbox to add the item in. If there is a line entered and you need to edit a line item, select the pencil and you can edit it. The delete icon is beside the pencil and so you can delete the line as well.
Note: The Labour hours will populate based on Check In’s and Check Out’s of employees. This information can be edited on this screen or from the Timesheet tab before Invoicing has occurred.
For each line item, you can choose to have "timesheet notes" entered in. If you do not see this, it is configurable from the Setting -> Features tab. To enter in a timesheet note, choose the "..." button beside the Hours and enter in the note. You will see the following pop up once the button is pressed:
Entering Expenses
We have created the expenses section so if you have technicians who are travelling out of town you can have them enter in their expenses and submit them. This feature needs to be enabled from the Settings -> Plan -> Features tab.
For the expenses section, the user will enter in their Name, Expense Type, Date, Amount. Once they have added in the single item they will be able to upload a copy of the expense to the work order.
Expenses entered will be carried over to the Timesheets Expenses Tab. For more information on Timesheets, see the Timesheets User Guide.
Entering Materials (and Other)
One of the options in the Settings is the ability to add in Invoice Categories to the Work Order so that actual materials can be entered in. Any items that are entered into these sections in the Work Order are automatically pulled into the Invoice when using a time and materials invoice. Also if you are doing an invoice based on the quote, then these items are the "Actuals" for any of those Jobs.
Note: To configure which invoice sections appear on the invoice go to Settings -> Invoice -> Categories. For each category that you want to see on the Work order select "Yes" for the column "Show on Work Order".
Entering Purchase Order
The purchase order section allows for a technician to keep track of any purchase orders that they get on a job. They can keep track of the POs and the items purchased from suppliers using a purchase order. These values can be imported into an invoice during the creation of the Time and Materials invoice.
Maintenance Notes
This section allows is designed to keep track of all of the notes related to the job. Depending on your industry this may simply be Job Notes for work that was completed or it could be maintenance notes that you will enter to a specific unit for any ongoing maintenance.
Note: All of the notes that are entered in this section are tied back to either the Job Site or the Unit as a historical note. If you enter in a note for a Job Site it will appear in the Job Site, Notes tab. If you enter in a note for specific unit you will be able to see the notes in both the Unit and in the Job site as the unit is linked back to the Job Site.
If you would like to create a note for a unit that does not exist, you can click on the "add unit" blue link to add a new unit. This will open a pop up box that will allow you to fill out the Unit name and description. At this point the Unit will appear in the Item column drop down and you will be able to select the new unit and enter notes for the unit. To add additional information on the Unit such as Serial #, location you will need to open up the unit and edit the values, see the User Guide on Units.
To add a Maintenance Note for an existing Unit or the Job Site, select Job Site or the specific Unit from the list and enter the Note to the right hand side. Once you have added the Note, select the checkbox to add the item in. If you need to edit a line item, select the pencil and you can edit it. The delete icon is beside the pencil and if needed you can delete the line as well.
Maintenance Checklists
The intent for the maintenance checklists is to allow your company to enter in a repeated process that can be used consistently. Checklists are often used for repeated maintenanceEach Maintenance Checklist is defined in the Settings -> Maintenance tab. This section allows you to enter in a checklist which can be applied to either a JobSite or a Unit. These lists are created and can be edited in Settings -> Maintenance. For more information on creating Maintenance Checklists see Configuring ServiceBox for your business.
When Add Checklist is created, the Checklist screen will open.
On the Checklist Screen you will select either the JobSite or the specific unit for which you want to complete the Checklist.
Within the Checklist, different types of data fields can be present. These include:
Multi Line Textbox - This will display as a textbox that allows multiples lines of text.
Single Line Text - This will display as a textbox that has a single line of text.
Dropdown - This will allow you to select from the options in the Dropdown
Multi-Select - Similar to the Dropdown but will allow multiple items to be selected. Any new items entered will be saved to be selected in the future.
Checkbox - Can be checked or left unchecked
If you want to reorder the list you can do this by selecting ReOrder and using the arrows that appear to move an item up or down in the list. Once the list has been placed in the desired order click Done.
Checklists for Technicians
When a technician goes to enter in the values into the Checklist they fill out the checklist that has been set by an administrator. They do not have the ability to edit the checklist as much as an admin and so they will enter in the values in the checklist as it is set. So they cannot re order the checklist or adjust the values.
When the tech goes to enter in the values, they can check off the items in a checklist, enter in a text value, or choose a value in a multi select or a dropdown. For each item that is in the form they can enter a note by selecting the green plus button:
Notes can be added for the Checklist at the bottom and when completed, select OK. The Checklist will then be visible under the Checklist screen.
Note: Maintenance Checklists are able to be printed out from the Work Order itself, or it is possible to generate reports based on the maintenance checklists from the reporting section. This is really useful for ongoing maintenance, or to find out how a specific tech is doing on post job inspections etc.
To Do’s
To-do’s allow you to remember when things need to be looked after. The categories for to do’s can be set up within Settings -> To Do so for each company they are customized.
To create a to do, select Add To Do and the information will open up. Enter the details, assign it to the person responsible and select a date for when you want the reminder to be seen.
Select Save To Do and the To Do will appear in the list. On the top bar, when the date set arrives, a reminder will be shown with the alarm clock.
Internal Notes
Notes are where users can share information for jobs knowing that they will not show on any customer reports. If there is a note entered in for a Work Order there will be a Red Indicator to the Notes section. This way a tech can know that a note has been added.
Entering Notes
To enter Notes, you can enter in the note and choose where you want to enter in the note to. The options that are available are: Work Order, Customer, Job Site. Once you click on Add Note you will be able to add a note for that specific item.
Viewing Existing Notes
If you want to view existing notes for the Work Order or to see notes related to the Customer, Job Site, or Units in this Work Order, you can click on the blue links which will allow you to see all related notes to the Work Order. In the image below we are filtering on Customer:
Photos, documents or Drop Box files can be added to a Work Order. Browse for the file, enter a name for the file and select ok. The File will then show on the list below and can be added when printing or e-mailing the Work Order but it will remain with the Work Order.
Within this section Invoicing takes place and you can create an Invoice based on the Quote for the Work Order, using Time and Materials from the Work Order or a blank Invoice. For information on Invoices, refer to the User Guide - Invoices.
Events - Status and Check in History
This section is available only to Administrator users and allows them to view all Check Ins by technicians associated with this Work Order as well as Status Changes to the Work Order. In the bottom part of the screen is a map which shows the location of the users during their Check In’s as well as the location of the JobSite.
Schedule List
In the Schedule List the Administrator can view who is scheduled or was scheduled for a particular Work Order and the details of when the Work Order is in the Scheduler.
If you are looking for when a specific Work Order is scheduled, this view allows you to easily see when it is in the Scheduler. You can also easily add in additional technicians who are required for the Work Order. To add in a line item, select the User from the drop down box. Then either the All Day box can be selected or the Start and End Time can be added.
Once you have added the line item, you can edit by selecting the pencil. The delete icon is beside the pencil and if needed you can delete the line as well.
E-mail Work Order
Once the information has been entered you can e-mail the Work Order to the customer right from ServiceBox.
The e-mail is pulled from the customer details and the text can be added. You can select the options for the file that will be sent by selecting Work Order PDF Options. This will open a pop up that will allow you to select which options will be included on the PDF sent to the customer. The defaults for this pop up box are set in Settings and if you want to add additional files you can select to include them as well.
Once the e-mail is complete, select Save and E-mail at the bottom and the e-mail will be send.
If you want to have a record of all e-mails that are sent from the system, you can select within settings to set up a BCC e-mail as well that receives a copy of them.
When you select the print option, you can select from any tab within Work Orders, the following box will appear.
The default options are set in Settings but you can decide to change how you would like to print it. You can select Files or Attachments to view and when Print is selected, the PDF will open in a new tab.
Viewing Work Order
To view Work Orders that have been entered, you can see them under the Customer or Job Site in the tabs where you can also create them.
They can also be viewed within the Work Order section from the left hand menu.
You can select to view Work Orders that have a specific status or by date. To change the current view, select the status or Work Order Date in the top section.
Changing the Status of a Work Order
You can change the status of a Work Order from in this section by selecting the Status and selecting the drop down box option that you want to select. Once completed select the checkbox to update your selection.
It is also possible to change the status of the Work Order by clicking on the Work Order and viewing the details. Here you change the status and select Save at the bottom to update your selection.
Opening a work order
Similar to how to create a Work Order from within the Customer and JobSite sections, you can also open existing Work Orders in those screens.
In the Home page (Dashboard Screen) you can select Work Orders from the Activity Feed or from the Calendar View.
An Administrator User here will see all Work Orders for the day and a Basic User will see only those Work Orders to which they are assigned in this area. Clicking on the Work Order will open the Work Order Details page.
From the left side menu > Work Orders
Click on the calendar icon. This will open a view which will allow you to see the schedule for the week. An Administrator User will see all Work Orders for the week and a Basic User will see only those Work Orders to which they are assigned. Clicking on the Work Order will open the Work Order Details page.